e-Campaign Bulk Email Software 17
The award-winning newsletter & email marketing solution
Group email, HTML email newsletter delivery, and email marketing campaigns - With e-Campaign you can accomplish these tasks with ease.
e-Campaign is an efficient group email and HTML email marketing tool for companies, ezine publishers and professionals, as well as individuals, to communicate with their customers, subscribers, and other e-mail contacts effectively.
With e-Campaign you can design rich HTML emails and newsle tters easily, and deliver personalized HTML email messages to your customer base and mailing lists. This software is capable of bounce and unsubscribe processing.
Why e-Campaign over other bulk email sofware?
- Easy to set up and use
- Unlimited email personalization ("mail merge")
- Built-in SMTP mail server
- WYSIWYG HTML message editing
- Supports embedded images
- Allows you to send different attachment to different recipients
- Supports embedded images
- Can import your existing ISP mail settings
- Automatic unsubscribe handling
- Automatic bounced email processing
- No monthly fees like email services
- Use for email newsletters, announcements, mass personalized email campaigns and more
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Email Extractor 16 (Extracting email addresses from files and Windows Live Mail)
Email Extractor can extract email addresses from text files, PDF files, zip/rar/gzip compressed files, and Windows Live Mail. It automatically removed duplicates and false email adddresses. Download Trial Version
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